ASK survey finds no slowdown among real estate investors

A survey carried out by alternative real estate platform ASK, among its investor base of 250 high net worth individuals and family offices, shows there is no slowdown in the UK real estate investment market.

ASK’s mostly UK-based investors are looking to increase their allocation to real estate by 25% in the next 12 months.  86% have increased or kept their allocation the same in the last 12 months.

Rising inflation was cited as the biggest economic concern, followed by rising interest rates and geopolitical risks. Results show a trend for lower risk strategies with investors citing a preference for shorter term, first charge loans.

In addition, results showed sustainability as an important consideration for investors, with 41% saying they already or will factor it into investment decisions.

An overall preference was cited for residential property followed closely by warehousing and logistics, however many deploy an opportunistic strategy. 65% also expressed an interest in investing in an ASK fund. Overall, investors are requesting more investment opportunities on its digital investment platform.

Read our blog post with a link to the full survey report here

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